Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Do you boo boo, do you."

If I had considered and weighed all the possible outcomes of this move previous to leaving home, I would not have stepped into my car. Leaving was hard. I don't think I have stressed that enough. But this is an adventure I needed. There are times when I am homesick however, especially when I wish I was there for the people I love most. So cheers.

Leaving home has truly made me appreciate Maryland for what it is and who it houses. While moving to Park City has opened my eyes to a beautiful life both in sight and heart. At the hotel, I check people in from all over the country on a daily basis and I smile especially bright every time a guest is from the East.

So this is a shout out to all my East Coasters, rockin it, specifically Silver Spring, Beltsville and College Park, MD. I miss you all. I'll hold it down in Park City for a minute.

Happy Valentines Day


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